Frequently Asked Questions | Vétalis

Frequently Asked Questions

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We are answering here the most frequently asked question about the animal nutraceutical area where our company Vétalis Technologies is evolving.
And if you don’t find the information you are looking for, contact our team !

Vetalis expertise

Trace elements analysis and profile kit : what is the suitable time?

Preferentially use the tubes within the limit of the maximum use date written on the tubes.

Trace elements analysis and profile kit : how to pay?

Check the box corresponding to the desired billing type on the commemorative sheet provided by Vétalis : breeder billing, or veterinary billing

Trace elements analysis and profile kit : what is the procedure ?
If it is not possible to centrifuge : send it within 3 days.
What is nutraceutic?

By definition, nutraceuticals means products made from food substances, in the form of tablets, powders or any other medicinal form.

The Vétalis laboratory is specialized in nutraceutics for farm animals especially for cattle. It offers products, mainly in the form of a bolus, to strengthen their immune defenses and their metabolism during important periods of production: reproduction, calf growth, lactation, drying out, calving, etc.

Why are the animals deficient?

Like humans, animals can also suffer

from a deficiency which, usually, affects several minerals at a time. The reasons for these deficiencies are multiple: poorer soils, increase of animals’ needs, key moments in animal life (drying, calving, reproduction, etc.).



To know more about animals deficiences.

Subclinical hypocalcemia, what is it?

Very present in dairy herds, subclinical hypocalcemia – or milk fever – is a postpartum pathology linked to a high deficiency of calcium in the blood.

A massive intake of trace elements of which calcium can cure this disease and especially prevent it.

Are trace elements important for animals ?

For both men and animals, trace elements are essential to life. Whether Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Iodine and many more,

these trace elements contribute to the proper functioning of animal health like cows , to name a few. An example ? Selenium deficiency may be responsible for reproductive disorders, retained fœtal membrane, metritis, etc.

To know more about the importance of trace elements.

Trace elements analysis and profile Kit : are they suitable for sheeps ?

Usually used on cattle, the profile kit for measuring plasma levels can also be performed on sheep (males and females).

There is difference regarding the sample, but it should be noted on the kit binding sheet that the analysis concerns sheep.

Vétalis products

Oligovet Flora : how to give it by drinking?

Used to reconstitute the intestinal flora and intestinal mucosa of animals, it is advisable to dilute or sprinkle this mineral food in water or milk. The intake should be rapid and at one time (in the prescribed doses).

Which products can be used on horses?

Oligovet flora : A mineral food generally used to replenish digestive flora and intestinal mucosa during diarrhea in cows and calves. It can also be used on horses.

Are our products usable for organic farming?

We are currently working on the extension of our organic range. For the time being two products from the range may be used on organic farms:

– Oxylis: en environmentally friendly repellent to control external parasites in cattle (flies, ticks, lice, scabies, etc.)

– Phoscargil Phyto: for calves, lambs and goat kids digestive disorders.

To learn more about the products.

Are our product usable after optimal use-by-date ?

If they do not contain vitamins, the products of Vétalis Technologies laboratory can be used after the deadline of optimal use (DOU).

Which products are in the Oligovet Grazing range ?

The Oligovet Super Grazing range has 3 products for 3 types of animals: Oligovet Super Grazing for cows, Oligovet Super Grazing for heifers, Oligovet Super Grazing for calves. These products provide adapted trace elemens supplies depending on the animal’s stage.

Vetalis Innovation

What is the Electrolytic Bolus patented technology ?

The Electrolytic Bolus is a patented technology designed by the Vétalis laboratory allowing a better control of the trace elements supplies. Thus, the boluses compensate the needs of the animals in a targeted way.

To learn more about Electrolytic Bolus technology.

Vétalis company

Is Vétalis a french company ?

Specialist of cattle boluses, Vétalis is a french company from the Charente Region.
All of its activity, from the head office to the laboratory, is located in Cognac in the old Prunier cellars.

To learn more about Vétalis.